Night Terrors vs. Nightmares: Unraveling the Crucial Differences

Steven Cheney
6 min readJan 29, 2024


Photo by Tahiro Achoub on Unsplash

Night terrors and nightmares are both experiences that can disrupt a good night's sleep, but they are not the same. If you've ever found yourself waking up in a panic, unsure of whether you were dreaming or not, you're not alone. Many people have trouble distinguishing between night terrors and nightmares, so let's shed some light on the key differences.

Night terrors are intense episodes of fear, often accompanied by screaming, flailing, or other agitated behavior. These typically occur during non-REM sleep and are more common in children. On the other hand, nightmares are bad dreams that evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, or distress. They occur during REM sleep, and most people can recall the content of the nightmare upon waking.

In this post, we'll delve into the distinctions between these two nighttime disturbances, explore their potential causes, and discuss strategies for managing and minimizing their impact on your overall sleep quality. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of night terrors and nightmares, empowering you to address any sleep-related concerns with confidence.

What Are Night Terrors?

Night terrors are episodes of intense fear or terror that occur during sleep, usually affecting children aged 3 to 12 years. These episodes bring about feelings of intense fear and may include screaming, flailing, and signs of panic.

Characteristics of Night Terrors

During a night terror, a child may suddenly sit upright in bed, scream, thrash around, and appear terrified. Unlike nightmares, which occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and are often easily recalled, night terrors occur during non-REM sleep and are usually not remembered by the individual. The episodes typically last for 5-20 minutes and may end with the child falling back asleep.

Causes of Night Terrors

Night terrors can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

genetics, stress, fatigue, and a nover-arousal of the central nervous system during sleep. In some cases, they can also be triggered by fever, sleep deprivation, or certain medications.

Impact on Sleep and Daily Functioning

Night terrors can disrupt a child's sleep patterns and lead to daytime fatigue. They can also have an impact on the child's caregivers, who may feel distressed and helpless during these episodes. Understanding and addressing the triggers and underlying causes of night terrors is crucial in helping children and their families cope with this sleep disorder.

Exploring Nightmares

Nightmares are vivid and distressing dreams that evoke strong emotional responses such as fear, anxiety, or sadness. They often awaken the dreamer and can be remembered upon waking. Unlike night terrors, which primarily occur during non-REM sleep, nightmares typically happen during REM sleep, the phase of sleep when the brain is most active.

Defining Nightmares

Nightmares are elaborate, frightening dreams that can feel incredibly real and intense. They often involve threatening situations and evoke feelings of helplessness or extreme danger. Common themes include being chased, falling, or experiencing loss. These dreams can be so terrifying that they disrupt the sleep and overall well-being of the individual.

Triggers and Themes of Nightmares

Nightmares can be triggered by various factors such as stress, trauma, anxiety, medications, or even certain foods. The themes of nightmares often reflect the individual's fears and anxieties, tapping into deep-seated emotions and memories. For example, someone with a fear of failure may frequently experience nightmares about being unprepared for an important event.

Psychological and Emotional Impact

The psychological and emotional impact of nightmares can be profound. Individuals may experience heightened anxiety, sleep disturbances, and a reluctance to go to bed. In severe cases, recurring nightmares can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders and other mental health issues. It's crucial for individuals experiencing frequent nightmares to seek support from mental health professionals to address and manage these distressing dreams effectively.

Distinguishing Night Terrors from Nightmares

Night terrors and nightmares are both sleep disturbances that can cause distress, but they differ significantly in symptoms, behaviors, and underlying neurological processes. Understanding the distinction between the two is crucial for effective management and support.

Key Differences in Symptoms and Behaviors

Nightmares are distressing dreams that typically occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, often towards the end of the sleep cycle. They can evoke fear, anxiety, or sadness, leading to the individual waking up and being able to recall the content of the dream.

On the other hand, night terrors, also known as sleep terrors, are episodes of intense fear, screaming, or thrashing during non-REM sleep. Unlike nightmares, individuals experiencing night terrors may not fully wake up and often have no recollection of the event upon awakening. Night terrors can be accompanied by physiological responses such as increased heart rate and sweating.

Understanding the Neurological Variance

The neurological variance between night terrors and nightmares lies in the sleep stages during which they occur. Nightmares occur during REM sleep, while night terrors occur during non-REM stages, particularly during the transition from deep sleep to lighter sleep.

Neurologically, night terrors are associated with partial awakenings from slow-wave sleep, which is why the individual may exhibit intense fear and confusion while remaining mostly asleep. In contrast, nightmares often involve vivid and memorable dream sequences due to increased brain activity during REM sleep.

Diagnostic Criteria and Assessment

Differentiating between night terrors and nightmares often requires a thorough assessment of the individual's sleep patterns, behavior during episodes, and potential contributing factors. Healthcare professionals may utilize tools such as sleep diaries, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews to gather detailed information for accurate diagnosis.

Diagnostic criteria for night terrors and nightmares are outlined in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD), which provides specific guidelines for identifying and categorizing various sleep-related conditions. By following established criteria and conducting comprehensive assessments, healthcare providers can offer tailored support and interventions.

Managing Night Terrors and Nightmares

Living with night terrors or nightmares can be distressing, but there are various approaches to managing and alleviating their impact. It's important to remember that seeking professional guidance is crucial for personalized advice. Let's explore potential treatment approaches for night terrors and coping strategies for nightmares.

Treatment Approaches for Night Terrors

Night terrors can be particularly challenging, especially for children. Seeking professional help from a healthcare provider or a sleep specialist is essential for an accurate diagnosis and customized treatment plan. Common approaches may involve creating a relaxing bedtime routine, ensuring adequate sleep, and employing relaxation techniques. Additionally, in some cases, medication or cognitive-behavioral therapy might be recommended to address underlying factors contributing to night terrors.

Coping Strategies for Nightmares

For those experiencing recurrent nightmares, implementing effective coping strategies can significantly improve sleep quality and overall well-being. Techniques such as practicing relaxation exercises before bedtime, journaling to process emotions, and employing imagery rehearsal therapy are valuable. Furthermore, creating a comfortable sleep environment and engaging in stress-reducing activities during the day can contribute to minimizing the occurrence of nightmares. Seeking professional support from a mental health practitioner can offer additional tailored guidance and support.

Supporting Individuals with Night Terrors or Nightmares

When it comes to supporting individuals dealing with night terrors or nightmares, creating a safe sleep environment is crucial. This involves making the bedroom a comforting and secure space, free from any potential triggers that may induce fear or anxiety during sleep.

Creating a Safe Sleep Environment

One of the key factors in supporting individuals with night terrors or nightmares is to ensure that their sleep environment promotes relaxation and security. This can be achieved by:

Using soft, comforting bedding and pillows

Keeping the bedroom tidy and organized to reduce clutter and create a calming atmosphere

Utilizing night lights or soothing music to alleviate any feelings of unease during the night

Emotional Support and Communication

In addition to the physical sleep environment, emotional support and open communication play a pivotal role in helping individuals cope with night terrors or nightmares. It's important to:

Encourage open dialogue about any fears or concerns related to sleep

Provide reassurance and comfort when an individual experiences night terrors or nightmares

Offer a listening ear and understanding without judgment, creating a safe space for expressing emotions and seeking support

By implementing these strategies, loved ones and caregivers can significantly contribute to creating an environment that helps individuals manage and alleviate the impact of night terrors or nightmares.


When it comes to night terrors and nightmares, it's crucial to recognize the differences between the two. Understanding the distinction can lead to more effective strategies for addressing these nighttime disturbances in both children and adults. By acknowledging the unique characteristics of each experience, individuals can seek appropriate support and interventions. Recognizing the significance of these nocturnal disturbances is the first step towards promoting restful and rejuvenating sleep for oneself and others.



Steven Cheney

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