How I Survived: A True Tale of Fear and Resilience

Steven Cheney
7 min readJan 8, 2024


Photo by Homero Ochoa on Unsplash

*this is a true story if you could leave me some feedback, do I turn this into an e book???? Please comment below

Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

As I open my eyes, the harsh glare of a single, flickering light bulb stings my vision. I'm in a bathroom, the walls smeared with grime, the air heavy with the stench of fear and decay. The cold, hard tiles beneath me offer no comfort as I huddle in the corner, my body aching from the brutal assault I've just endured[1].

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My captor, a towering figure with a cruel smile, stands guard at the door. Their flamboyant attire and meticulously applied makeup are a stark contrast to my own disheveled appearance. I can't help but feel a chilling sense of dread as I realize the methodical nature of their actions[1].

Suddenly, a wave of nausea washes ov I'mer me. My body convulses, craving the very substance that led me to this horrifying situation. The shaking, the cold sweats - they're all stark reminders of the hold that drugs have over me[3]. I'm in the throes of withdrawal, my body violently rebelling against the absence of the drugs it's become so dependent on[3][7].

In the midst of my physical torment, my mind drifts to my family. I can almost hear the sound of my child's laughter, a painful reminder of the life I've left behind. I picture their faces, etched with worry and despair, their lives torn apart by my addiction[4][8]. The guilt is overwhelming, a crushing weight on my already burdened soul.

The demoralization is palpable. I feel stripped of my dignity, my self-worth, my humanity. I'm at rock bottom, yet the thought of quitting drugs seems as distant as ever[3][7]. I'm trapped in a cycle of despair, my addiction feeding my depression and vice versa[6][10].

As Cheney's addiction worsened, his relationships with his family started to fray. His once-loving family began to distance themselves from him, unable to bear the pain of watching their beloved son and brother slowly destroy himself. Cheney's decision to turn to drugs had created a rift between him and his family that seemed impossible to bridge.

Feeling isolated and abandoned, Cheney found himself drifting further from the person he once was. He no longer recognized the person looking back at him in the mirror, and the painful realization that he had lost his family's support and love only fueled his addiction.

One night, as Cheney stumbled through the streets of Anaheim, he came across a group of fellow addicts huddled in an alley, seeking refuge from the cold and the demons that haunted them. Seeing Cheney's despair, they welcomed him into their makeshift community, offering him a small semblance of comfort and understanding.

As the days turned into weeks, Cheney found himself immersed in a world he never thought he'd be a part of. He struggled to find meaning in his life, and the bonds he formed with his newfound companions were superficial at best, born out of necessity rather than genuine connection.

Despite the sense of belonging he felt among his fellow addicts, Cheney couldn't shake the overwhelming guilt and regret that consumed him. He thought of his family, the life they had built together, and the person he had once been. He longed for a chance to make amends and reconnect with the people who had loved him unconditionally.

One day, as Cheney lay in a filthy alley, struggling with the agony of withdrawal, he had a moment of clarity. He realized that he could no longer continue down this path of self-destruction. With newfound determination, Cheney made the difficult decision to seek help, hoping that his family might still be willing to support him in his journey towards recovery.

After reaching out to his family, Cheney was met with a mix of anger and despair. They felt betrayed by his actions and struggled to reconcile the person he had become with the person they had loved and lost. Despite their hesitations, they agreed to help Cheney if he committed to a treatment program and demonstrated genuine remorse for his actions.

With the support of his family, Cheney entered a rehabilitation facility, where he began the long and arduous journey towards healing. Surrounded by professionals and fellow recovering addicts, Cheney found solace in therapy sessions, support groups, and the shared experiences of those who understood the pain he was going through.

As the weeks turned into months, Cheney started to rebuild his life, one day at a time. He worked diligently to repair his relationships with his family and friends, acknowledging the pain he had caused and expressing his sincere remorse. While the road ahead was far from easy, Cheney remained committed to his recovery, determined to make amends and regain the love and trust of those who had once stood by him.

Through perseverance, self-reflection, and the unwavering support of his family, Cheney gradually reclaimed his life and emerged from the darkness of addiction. His story serves as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the power of forgiveness, and the possibility of redemption, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

As I sit there, locked in that grimy bathroom, I can't help but feel a sense of impending doom. I'm completely hopeless, convinced that death is imminent. The fear is paralyzing, a constant reminder of the grim reality of my situation[5][9].

This is a dark chapter in my life, a gruesome tale of addiction, violence, and despair. But it's also a story of resilience, a testament to the human spirit's ability to endure even the most horrific circumstances. It's a stark reminder of the devastating effects of my drug addiction.

The events leading up to my beating began with a seemingly innocent invitation from a so-called friend. They asked me to help them sell drugs, claiming it would be a quick and easy way to make some extra cash. Desperate for money and blinded by the promise of a quick fix, I agreed to go along with the plan.
However, as we arrived at the designated location, I began to feel uneasy. The atmosphere was tense, and the people we were dealing with seemed dangerous. My friend, who had initially seemed so friendly and reassuring, suddenly became cold and distant.
Before I knew it, the situation escalated. The people we were dealing with turned out to be ruthless criminals, and they had no intention of letting us walk away unscathed. They demanded all the drugs and money we had, and when we couldn't provide enough, they resorted to violence.
I was brutally assaulted, the pain and fear so intense that it's still etched in my memory. My friend, who had tricked me into this dangerous situation, abandoned me, leaving me to face the consequences alone.
After the beating, I found myself in the filthy bathroom, bruised and bloodied, the door locked from the outside. My captor stood guard, ensuring I couldn't escape. The only light came from a flickering bulb, casting eerie shadows on the grime-covered walls.
The air was thick with the stench of fear and decay, and the cold tiles beneath me offered no comfort. As I sat there, shivering and in pain, I couldn't help but think about the events that had led me to this point. I thought about my friend's betrayal, the violent assault, and the hold that drugs had over my life.
This harrowing experience serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drug addiction and the lengths I will go to feed their habit. It's a cautionary tale of trusting the wrong people and the consequences of making desperate decisions

write about the embarrassing moment when they let me out of that bathroom still stripped down to my boxers and bloody and dope sick walking up to a crowded Starbucks on harbor blvd, close to disneyland

After being held captive and brutally assaulted in the filthy bathroom, I was finally released. However, my ordeal was far from over. I emerged, still stripped down to my boxers, bloodied, and dope sick, only to find myself in a crowded Starbucks on Harbor Boulevard, just a stone's throw from Disneyland.

The Starbucks was bustling with customers, all of whom seemed to be staring at me. I felt utterly exposed and humiliated, my vulnerability on full display for everyone to see. The pain from my injuries was nothing compared to the embarrassment that washed over me as I tried to make my way through the crowded café.

As I walked, I could hear whispers and see the judging glances cast in my direction. People were clearly disgusted and appalled by my appearance, and I couldn't blame them. I must have looked like a walking nightmare, a shell of a human being, a cautionary tale come to life.

I tried to keep my head down and focus on the task at hand: finding help and getting away from my captors. But every step I took seemed to draw more attention, and I could feel the weight of everyone's stares pressing down on me.

In that moment, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I was a broken, bloodied, and humiliated mess, and I didn't know how I would ever recover from this. The embarrassment and shame I felt were almost too much to bear, but I knew I had to keep going, had to find a way to get through this and somehow put my life back together.

This experience, as harrowing and humiliating as it was, serves as a stark reminder of the darkest days of my addiction. It's a testament to the power of drugs to destroy lives and the importance of reaching out for help when you need it.

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Steven Cheney

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